Uses of virgin coconut oil on Weight Loss

Adding Virgin Coconut Oil To Your Diet Can Boost Your Energy Level and Your Metabolism, Helping You To Lose Weight

Virgin Coconut oil is high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), like lauric acid, that have been shown to elevate your metabolism. And that's good news for those of you trying to lose weight. As you probably know, the higher your metabolism, the more calories your body burns, even when you are not exercising. About 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. It turns out that the amount of energy your body uses to metabolize these MCFAs is greater than the energy that the MCFAs provide, that means you burn more calories than what is in the oil just by your body metabolizing, or using the oil. In fact, scientists have found that lauric acid is the most quickly metabolized of all fatty acids. In addition, coconut oil seems to have a thermogenic effect, meaning it raises your body temperature. This also in turn boosts energy levels and metabolism, and may be why coconut oil seems to be so good for those with low performing thyroids.

Virgin Coconut Oil and Weight Loss

Many people have reported that consuming Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) helps them to lose weight. They often see increased energy levels and fewer cravings for carbohydrates and sweets. It's easier for many people to eat less when consuming 2 - 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil per day, because the fats provide a feeling of satiety or fullness after eating that is not generally experienced when eating a low-fat meal. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why low-fat diets don't work in the long-term.

The Body Burns Virgin Coconut Oil 3 Times Faster Than Other Fats

According to a 2000 report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your body burns off coconut oil three times faster than many other common fats. In a 1986 study by T.B. Seaton et al in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who ate foods containing MCFAs (like the lauric acid in coconut oil) increased their metabolic rate an average of 12%, compared to a 4% increase for those eating meals with long-chain fatty acids (LCTs). The authors concluded that adding MCFAs and MCFA-rich foods (like coconut oil) to the diet could "over long periods of time produce weight loss even in the absence of reduced (caloric) intake". Doesn't that sound good? They are saying that you could eat the same amount of calories and still lose weight if you include MCFA-rich food like coconut oil in your diet!

Add Virgin Coconut Oil To Your Diet

Coconut oil is nature's richest source of these medium-chain fatty acids, which in addition to increasing metabolism have many other health-enhancing properties. So if you are trying to lose weight, you might want to think about adding coconut oil to your diet. There are many articles out there now in the media touting the "miracle" of coconut oil for losing weight, including one in Women's World Magazine. Although we would not call it a miracle, we do think it has its place in many diets, especially if you are trying to lose weight. In addition, there are other benefits of eating coconut oil, that you may be interested to find out about, that will be the topic of another article.

Karen Pijuan is the owner of several health-related websites and has written numerous articles about healthy living, whole food supplements, natural body care and cleaning products, natural weight loss and more. Find out more about what to look for in a truly healthy vitamin, as well as resources for where to find the whole food supplements including Extra Virgin Coconut Oil that she recommends at

Quick Ways to Lose Weight

You need to combine multiple ways to shock your belly fat… diet, supplements, and cardio. Here is 1 of each that will force your belly fat to disappear.

1. Supplement - Merit VCO Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Using this alone, a lot of my clients have lose 5-8 pounds in 10-13 days. Not all of them do lose weight using this, but a high percentage do. It’s worth a try since MeritVCO virgin coconut oil only costs about 160Rs for 200 ML bottles and 500Rs for 1 lter bottles.

1 liter will last for more than 30 to 35 days

What you do is take 1 tablespoon of MeritVCO virgin coconut oil 2 times a day on an empty stomach between meals. I prefer you to do this between breakfast and lunch… and lunch and dinner.

(Note : initially you can start with 1 tablespoon a day )

That’s it. The “healthy fats” in the Virgin coconut oil will do the rest.

2. Diet - Eat 1 can of black beans and 1 pound of broccoli/cauliflower each day

These are “BULK” foods with plenty of fiber… and they’re cheap. They fill you up so you won’t go hungry, while providing you VERY FEW calories. The fiber is key here.

I recommend you eat 1/2 can of black beans at breakfast and 1/2 at lunch. For the broccoli/cauliflower, I recommend you eat 1/2 of a frozen bag at lunch and half at dinner.

You probably aren’t too happy about this choice, but if you were to do it 1-2 days… you’ll see the incredible weight loss effects it’ll have for you.

3. Exercise - 5 minute Hindu Squat

For this to work good, you need to squat fast. No weights are involved… just your body. Basically, you pump out as many squats as you can in 5 minutes. Try to do this non-stop or rest very shortly (15 seconds after every 15 squats).

The ideal goal… 100 or more squats in 5 minutes.

This is a tough exercise when done correctly. But it peels off body fat FAST. Push yourself. You need to fight for this weight loss… don’t just give up. Don’t let your fat win.